Parallel tracks - 3. Trustworthy AI for Interoperability in the Public Sector
Madrid 1-2 at RIU hotel
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Presentations on the opportunities in using AI for interoperability purposes in the public sector, including tackling challenges related to transparency and the trustworthiness of AI systems.
Moderated by Sven Schade, Scientific Project Leader, European Commission
Marzia Mortati, PhD, is Associate Professor at Politecnico di Milano – Design Department. She is Vice-Director of the International Master in AI for Public Services and one of the Executive Directors of the European Academy of Design - a network of 3000+ design researchers residing across five continents and 35 countries. Her research interests focus on the Design Process and Service Design, covering the relationship between Design, Data and Innovation, Design for Policy, and the role of Artificial Intelligence in public services. She has authored several books and articles in international scientific journals and conferences since 2008.
Parallel tracks - 3. Trustworthy AI for Interoperability in the Public Sector
Madrid 1-2 at RIU hotel
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Presentations on the opportunities in using AI for interoperability purposes in the public sector, including tackling challenges related to transparency and the trustworthiness of AI systems.
Moderated by Sven Schade, Scientific Project Leader, European Commission
EU institution
Parallel tracks - 3. Trustworthy AI for Interoperability in the Public Sector
Madrid 1-2 at RIU hotel
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Presentations on the opportunities in using AI for interoperability purposes in the public sector, including tackling challenges related to transparency and the trustworthiness of AI systems.
Moderated by Sven Schade, Scientific Project Leader, European Commission