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Speaker session

(UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris

The workshop on “AI in digital-ready policy design and legal drafting” will explore how tools powered by AI technologies can support policymakers in their digital-ready policy journey. The workshop will highlight potential tools and features, such as the Policy Screening Prototype (SeTA) and smart functionalities for legal drafting (LEOS). It is targeted at professionals from the public sector, academia and industry working on policy design and legal drafting, and interested in identifying the role that AI technologies can play in these processes.

Moderated by Carlos Torrecilla, Head of Unit, Digital Economy, Joint Research Centre

The workshop on “Large Language Models in support of Semantic Interoperability” will explore the current and proposed methods and approaches for the use of large language models and AI technology in the context of semantic interoperability. The presentations will be focused on the state-of-the-art LLMs and their application to semantic clustering, data discovery and expansion of terminology, as well as other applications that support semantic interoperability. It is targeted at professionals from the public sector, academia and industry working on LLMs, Semantic IOP and their intersection, as well as the general public interested in understanding the synergies between these topics more in depth.

Moderated by:

  • Alexandra Balahur, Program Manager - EU Policies - Data Science, DG DIGIT, European Commission
  • Anastasia Sofou, Senior Consultant, Trasys International

The "EU wide registry of public sector semantic models" workshop aims to define actions to create a entry point for connecting national collections of semantic assets. It provides an ideal opportunity to receive presentations and influence discussions on the benefits of having insights into existing modeling work from Member Countries, the costs of not having the registry, the support it offers to a single market of cross-border public services. Additionally, the workshop will explore the value of the registry in preserving and transferring institutional know-how amid the constant reconfigurations of teams working in public bodies. Lastly, it will address the significance of the registry for AI-powered solutions in designing new semantic specifications while rationalizing existing models. We welcome contributions from all relevant disciplines and encourage participation from those in the public sector, open source, academic communities, and semantic technology practitioners.

Moderated by Claudio Baldassarre, Semantic Interoperability Expert, DG DIGIT, European Commission

08:00 - 09:00

Registration, coffee and exhibitions

Madrid 3-5 at RIU hotel

As former GCIO of Estonia, Siim will share a practical strategic view on why in the age of AI Europe needs interoperability perhaps more than ever – and why interoperability and semantic work are more crucial than ever for the AI age itself. Estonia has been an early adopter of AI in the public sector as well as an interoperability frontrunner. This has given hands-on insights about what works and how to unleash AI potential in governments (and Europe).

11:15 - 11:45

Coffee break & Exhibition

Madrid 3-5 at RIU hotel

Identifying the current key challenges and opportunities in the fields of AI and interoperability in the light of the "Law as Code" paradigm. A particular focus will be given to the semantic annotation of legislation.

Moderated by Zsofia Sziranyi, Team leader & Programme manager, DG DIGIT, European Commission

Presentations on the opportunities and challenges when developing data spaces - with a focus on interoperability challenges and solutions. The agenda will be set for the synergies between the Data Spaces Support Centre (DSSC) and the European Commission DIGIT specifications and tools.

Moderated by Andrea Halmos, Deputy Head of Unit, Interoperable Europe, DG DIGIT, European Commission

13:00 - 14:00

Lunch & exhibition

Madrid 3-5 at RIU hotel

Presentations showcasing how traditional semantics are leveraged hand-in-hand with AI.

Moderated by Seth van Hooland, Team Leader, Semantics – Interoperability, DG DIGIT, European Commission

15:30 - 16:00

Coffee break & Exhibition

Madrid 3-5 at RIU hotel

17:45 - 19:00

Cocktail reception & Exhibition

Madrid 3-5 at RIU hotel

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