National Competent Authority
High-level Panel on AI & IOP in the public sector
Madrid 1-2 at RIU Hotel
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Panel discussion on the potential of AI to support interoperability and vice-versa. Panellists from different Member States present success stories and challenges regarding the deployment of AI in the public sector.
Moderated by Leontina Sandu, Head of Unit, Interoperability, DG DIGIT, European Commission
Natalia Aristimuño Pérez is currently Director of Digital Services at the European Commission's Directorate-General for Informatics. Before her appointment as a Director, she was responsible for the Interoperability Unit. Her past experience combines different Head of Unit positions in the domains of delivering solutions for human resources, decision-making, document and knowledge management. Since she joined the European Commission in 2000, she has been involved in developing user-friendly solutions for public administrations and the European Commission itself. She graduated Deusto University (Bilbao, Spain) with IT background and has a deep knowledge of the business domains she works with.
EU institution
High-level Panel on AI & IOP in the public sector
Madrid 1-2 at RIU Hotel
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Panel discussion on the potential of AI to support interoperability and vice-versa. Panellists from different Member States present success stories and challenges regarding the deployment of AI in the public sector.
Moderated by Leontina Sandu, Head of Unit, Interoperability, DG DIGIT, European Commission
National Competent Authority
High-level Panel on AI & IOP in the public sector
Madrid 1-2 at RIU Hotel
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Panel discussion on the potential of AI to support interoperability and vice-versa. Panellists from different Member States present success stories and challenges regarding the deployment of AI in the public sector.
Moderated by Leontina Sandu, Head of Unit, Interoperability, DG DIGIT, European Commission